Thursday, November 14, 2013

Our Life, in Numbers

I am not a numbers person. Math and I are not friends. The Lord, however, likes numbers. Alot. The Bible is full of specific numbers- that upon studying, give us not a vague description, but a clear picture and understanding of something. So, with that in mind, I give to you the numbers illustrating the beginning of our life as a family of four.  Now, these numbers are obviously not exact, but you get the picture...

4 months as a US citizen
127 days home
45 nights of uninterrupted sleep
80 loads of itty-bitty clothes washed
975 diapers changed
33 days home before she sat up on her own for the first time.
8 hair products purchased- for a BABY
2 sleep caps purchased
0 sleep caps worn more than twice
7000 feet, army crawled
75 feet crawled, up on all fours
4 tiny, but thoroughly enjoyed bowls of ice cream
10 boxes of Kleenexes used to wipe her nose
3 boxes of Kleenex, torn up for entertainment
6000 laughs
2567 games of peekaboo
395 renditions of “Jesus Loves Me”
2 days a week -on average - we spent at home before Ellie
5.5 days a week- on average- we spend at home, now that she's here
10 times cleaning up vomit- no, not spit up- vomit.
102 socks taken off
52 socks lost
10 doctor appointments
1 family vacation
2,345,690,175 kisses received by Ellie
578 kisses given by Ellie, 176 of which were received by stuffed animals, and 28 of which were given to herself in the mirror
256 tickle fests
12 outfits ruined by... well... poo. Lots. Of. Poo.
748 times complete strangers have just stared, not saying anything...
379 times complete strangers have stared and said how cute she is, or how they've always wanted to adopt, or how they have been to Kenya, Tanzania, {insert other random African country}, etc. 
1 time someone asked if I got to "pick her out?"
1 time I sat in stunned silence, finally answering, "Ummmm, no.... No."
1 time an unknown woman walked in to a nursery where we were sitting, picked Ellie up, and gave me a startled, "Oh!" 
when I informed her as politely as possible that "Actually, she is mine."
1 time Payton almost clocked a kid who argued that Ellie was not her sister. Big sister claws appeared for the first time.
7456 pictures taken
2 times calling me “Mama”
231 fits thrown when she didn't get her way... Oops, make that 232 now.
127 times I've thought, "I can't do this."
127 times God has reminded me that His power is made perfect 
in my weakness.
127 times He's proven it.
4 times she's emptied the dog bowl.
5 new teeth
987 times we've had to move her away from electrical outlets, cabinets, curtains, and other various household hazards.
1 time her daddy unknowingly put her clothes on backwards, 
and left them that way until I discovered an hour later. 
I guess only one time is pretty good, actually...
26 vials of poo collected. Yes, poo, again.
1 crazy expensive prescription from a compounding pharmacy- 
no worries, we met our deductible months ago :)
68 times she has refused to eat the food offered.
1 first birthday party
683 toys thrown
135 times she's said, “uh-ohhhhhh”
385 times she's squealed and frantically waved her arms in excitement when her big sister has entered a room
85 times she's fallen asleep in my arms
1 Tinkerbell Halloween costume
341 steps she's taken holding our hands
16 seconds- the longest she's stood on her own
30 minutes- the longest she's "sat" for me to fix her hair... Nope, nothing fancy, but I'm new to these curls.
15 times I've had to chase her while fixing her hair
25 times I've had to chase her while getting her dressed
335 times she's stopped crying when I sang
6 happy times in a swing
14 shots (as in immunizations, not tiny glasses of alcohol)
634 bottles taken
15 Costco size cans of formula
10 gallons of milk
3 bitings of my shoulder
16 times she's cried a bone-chilling, heartbreaking, haunting cry- 
that only comes from a child who's experienced 
painful, gut-wrenching tragedy
17 times she's cried to let us know she has awoken from a nap 
or from a night's sleep
157 times she's cried in the middle of the night
31 days she sucked her fingers when she got home
12 days she's sucked her fingers since that first month home
25 times we've had billing issues with insurance,
 because her legal name is Yetnayet, not Ellie
3 gained pounds
2 inches grown
57 times she's laughed at herself.
2047 raspberries blown
10 times I've looked at Ellie, and thought, "Am I really your momma?"
10 times The Lord has answered that question with a resounding "Yes."
36 times I've felt like she will never know me and trust me as momma, 
and yet…
31 times she has cuddled into my chest
75 times she has reached for me
56 times she has cried when I left the room.
62 times she's about jumped out of someone's arms for me
45 times she has gripped my arm firmly when others came near
37 times she's crawled to me when she was hurt or upset
137,004 minutes of pure joy
113 times I’m pretty sure I’ve already failed as her mommy
113 times I KNOW His grace has covered my failures
235 times since she's been home I have mourned for her birth mother- 
each time she misses a new milestone in Ellie's life
3,479,192 times I have been awestruck- with both gladness for me 
and sorrow for a woman in Ethiopia, that the Lord, in his mercy, 
is allowing me to be called "Mama" by this child.
1 child adopted,
4 lives forever changed for the better.
1 huge "Thank you, Jesus."

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