Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Still Waiting.... Still Trusting...

Hello Dear Friends and Family!

Many of you have recently asked what the latest news is regarding our adoption, and so I realized it was time to update the ole blog.  In May we were number 9 on the wait list for a referral.  We were super excited to finally be in single digits.  Then the letdown came in June- we were yet again number nine.  A whole month went by and we didn’t move up a single spot.  Now, you may be thinking, “one month- that’s not that big of a deal”- but when you are 21 months into the process and have been waiting 9 months on the list for a baby, each and every month seems to last forever.  I was devastated.  I was angry and had no idea with whom.  Our adoption agency?  No, it was out of their control.  God?  Well, no, because it is in His control. 

The night we got the update we were able to go the waiting families meeting for our adoption agency and, we were so glad we did.  It was so encouraging to talk to other families that were experiencing the same agonizing wait and frustration, and to pray for one another.  I settled down and came to the conclusion that anger was probably not the best response, but trust and hope in a sovereign God is supremely better.    

The past month I’ve been studying the Gospel of John and a recurring theme I’ve noticed is the sovereignty of God’s timing.  There were so many instances where the leaders were ready to accuse Jesus and make their arrest, but Jesus would avoid their ploys again and again, because the right time had not yet come- there was still more for Jesus to do and say and show before his death and resurrection. 

Today I read in John about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  If you are familiar with the story, you know that Jesus waited two days before beginning to travel to see his dear friend who was deathly ill.  When he finally got to Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for four days.  His sisters, Mary and Martha, were crushed, and both expressed to the Lord that had He been there, He could have healed their beloved brother. They endured the awful pain of losing Lazarus, but then they had the awesome privilege of seeing the power of the Lord on full display when Jesus called Lazarus forth from the tomb.  Oh to have been there on that day!  What wonder!  What power!  What love! 

Jesus could have been at Lazarus’ side instantaneously when He heard of his illness, but He chose to wait.  Why? Because He was uncaring, oblivious, or mean?  Um, no, He has already shown that His character is the exact opposite- He is caring.  He is all knowing and aware.  He is kind beyond measure.  He waited because He knew there was a perfect timing for His purposes.  We see this truth in this story in so many ways: 

1.  His complete rejection by the Jewish people was just at hand, and the disciples needed this vivid reminder of who He was- the Messiah, the Son of God- before their faith would be put to the ultimate test.  Perfect timing.
 2.  John 11:45 tells us that, “Many of the people who were with Mary believed in Jesus when they saw this happen”- salvation came to many because He waited.  Perfect timing.
3.   There were also some who saw the miracle and went to the Pharisees to report about Jesus- this event was what finally led to the Jewish leaders beginning to plot Jesus’ death.  Perfect timing.
4.    He displays the glory of God by raising Lazarus FOUR whole days after He had died.  I’m so thankful for this glimpse of His might and power- a mere speckle of the glory to be revealed at the final resurrection of the dead. 

I find such peace in knowing that He has perfect timing for everything according to His purposes.  Wonder if we’ll see in this lifetime why we have waited and waited and waited for this baby?  Maybe, maybe not, but I’m trusting that He has seen and He knows.  I am hoping that when we have our sweet baby at home we can say like Mary and Martha that we endured the painful wait to see the glory, love, and power of our awesome God.

So here’s the good news- drum roll, please…..

We are number SIX now!!! That’s right, we moved a big, whoppin’ three spaces on the list, which is the most in one month since November 2011.  I prefer to say to myself not that we are number six, but that there are five families on the list in front of us… Five sounds better than six, don’t you think?  We were thrilled to get this news at the beginning of July, and are hoping and praying that we are a bit closer when we get an update in the beginning of August.  Thanks to the Facebook updates of our adoption agency we know that at least two families have received referrals this month so far (yay for children getting forever families!!!), but it is possible that these folks are behind us on the list if the referrals were not for babies (we’re pretty sure that the five families ahead of us all want babies, too). 

I don't know how families sit and wait for babies when they don't know Jesus.  If I didn't have absolute assurance that He was in control of this situation I would have lost my mind by now.  Instead, I have Jesus and so I have peace.  Doesn't mean that there are not days where my human nature creeps up with feelings of frustration and sadness, but at the end of the day there is rest in the knowledge that the king and creator of all has got it under control.  

Thanks so much for the prayers and encouragement.  I really can’t tell you what it means to us when you ask what’s going on and tell us you are praying.  At times this feels like a never-ending journey, and it’s nice to know we have people who are walking it with us in prayer.  We are trusting in His plan- and writing blogs now to remind us of His sovereignty in the months to come, just in case… J