Friday, November 6, 2015

What's in a Name?

Three years ago, I lived in Fern Creek.  I attended and served at a church in urban Louisville.  My husband worked for a promotional packaging company.  I was a stay-at-home mom of a little girl who went to preschool three days a week.  I had two daughters- Payton & Addie.

Then it happened.  The derailment.  The painful, soul-wrenching, refining, and sanctifying derailment.

Have you ever seen the movie Polar Express?  You know that scene where the train is chugging along like a roller-coaster, and it suddenly reaches a point where the tracks are completely frozen over?  The train begins to spin out of control on the ice.   It's a moment when this happy, fun movie seems to momentarily be headed to Old Yeller territory.  All hope appears lost.

When we lost our girl, I felt a bit like that train.  We knew our purpose, we knew where we were headed.  And then, suddenly and without warning, we were spinning, slipping, and sliding, and hanging on for dear life.  Just like in the movie, the ice was splitting beneath us, and we were rapidly sinking into the watery depths, wondering what He was doing.

Hope was far from lost, though.  Even in our darkest moments when we felt so out-of-control, we were certain, though we could not see how, that the Lord was always sovereignly directing and orchestrating each moment.  We trusted Him, and it was a trust not based on the feelings at the time, but on His faithfulness and goodness in our lives to that point.  It was a trust that was accompanied by an inconceivable peace that only He can bring.

Tonight I am sitting in my home in LaGrange, typing.  My kiddos- Payton, Ellie, and Cole- are upstairs, fast asleep in their beds.  Addie is somewhere in Ethiopia, still covered by the prayers of the Lord's people.  Billy's working for his own company that the Lord has truly blessed.  I'm still a stay-at-home mom, but now carry the title of home-schooler (!?!) as well.  Sunday, we will get up and go to our church right down the road, here, in Oldham County- a place the Lord constantly confirms is right where He wants us.  I'm busy planning Addie's Christmas Shop, and pretty regularly fighting tears as I consider the impact this little one's life is going to have on hundreds of women around our country and the entire world. My heart still grieves the loss of my daughter, but the Lord is making this derailment beautiful.  That's what he does.  He redeems.  He gives hope.  He brings peace and joy.  He loves. He forgives.  He rebuilds and transforms.  Our entire lives have changed over the past three years, but HE has remained the same.  I'm so very thankful.

The Baker's are loving life in this little town of LaGrange, where a train runs, quite literally, right down the middle of Main Street, and we are so eager for the next chapters of our journey.  In fact, on the evening of Addie's Christmas Shop, we will be sharing some super exciting news with our guests.   Big stuff is happening in our family, and we'd love for you to continue to follow along with us on this blog, which is hereby renamed, "Beautifully Derailed."  There will undoubtedly be other derailments and detours in our lives, and this new name will serve to remind me that His ways are not my ways, and His good purpose is always going to prevail.  Also, there was just entirely too much confusion every time I posted a blog under the title, "Another Baker Baby."  :)

Thanks for reading folks!  Hope to see you on the 21st!!!

"In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."  Proverbs 16:9

"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."  Proverbs 19:21


  1. Love your blog, Jodi. And your heart. ��❤️

  2. Jodi - is there a link to Addie's Christmas Shop?

    1. Hey Susan! We don't have a website, but check your events on Facebook, and you should have an invite to the shop. That Facebook page is where all the info is. We are also on instagram- @addieschristmasshop. This was my original blog post with some info, too-
